Saturday 14 January 2017

Another Epic Final Fantasy behind me. Final Fantasy XV!

I feel like I should start every post I write about a Final Fantasy game from now on with a big thank you to everyone who had a part in making this awesome game.

Even though Squaresoft got taken over by Square Enix all those years ago and Hironobu Sakaguchi does not seem to have a hand in the franchise anymore the team of Final Fantasy still does not fail to make a game that elevates the standard of RPG's world-wide.

You have not played the best that video games have to offer if you have not played a Final Fantasy game.

For first-time readers of my blog let me just tell you that I have completed Final Fantasy VII, VIII, X, X-2 (fans know why it is not called XI), XII, Dirge of Cerberus (FFVII spin-off) and then there is this game called Valkyrie Profile 2- also from Square Enix, which I have no idea why they did not just name it as part of the Final Fantasy series.

Needless to say- I am a huge sucker for leveling up, collecting weapons, working through an epic saga, exploring a vast made up world with creatures that defy belief and fighting villains of cosmic proportions. 

So- before I go on about the game I have finished last night: Thank you to everyone at Square Enix. You all deserve to become billionaires from this game. It has been the most awesome experience since Final Fantasies VII and VIII. 

Just a note- Hironobu Sakaguchi and his team have shown us from very early on that you don't need top notch graphics to create an immersive adventure for a gaming platform. A lot can be done with the right kind of imagination and the artistry with which to bring it to life. Now- that power has come to the PS4 and the time each level took loading on that I-forgot-how-many-terabytes machine of mine I realised that this time around they have pushed the platform to its very limit again. Hehe! Who else made a game for PS1 that used 4 discs? :D

Oooookay! So- Being a veteran I took the very first chance I had at exploring and battling right away and did not hurry through the story. A lesson hard learnt from FFVII. This approach rewarded me with a vast world full of treasures, side quests and rewards.

Parties in the previous Final Fantasies were mixed gender groups. When they went to inns or camped out you did not see what they got up to. This game, however, is dedicated to the bro's! Here you got to take part in not only training at camp spots, but cooking and talking bro-stuff with your friends. Noctis, Gladio, Prompto and Ignis are actually a fun group that have no squabbles at the beginning. Stick around with them long enough and you learn that Noct likes fishing, Gladio likes the outdoors and Ignis is the voice of reason who also cooks most of the time. In fact- this due is a regular foodie.

Prompto- you learn very soon on is a video game geek and judging by the tune he sometimes hums at the end of a battle and his hairstyle I suspect that he has played a certain game which we all know very well. 

Once again we find that the political unrest in their world is but a consequence of supernatural events that have to be set right. The one charged with that task is Noctis. Without spoiling too much I will say that another huge difference between this Final Fantasy and its predecessors is that this time around the Final Battle is between the main character and the Villain.

As for the villain- I won't spoil that bit either. It is part of the mystery that makes the story as riveting as it is. What I will say, however is: He's no Sephiroth. Seriously- it seems that once you have beaten Sephiroth all other Final Fantasy bosses that come after him seem pretty tame. Okay- except for Sin/ Jecht from Final Fantasy X...

Through it all Noct and his friends rode Choccobos, rescued people and choccobos in need, ran errands and had fun. Later on in the game Noctis got hit with one tragic event after the other. You know- Aeris' death in Final Fantasy VII had me in tears. Noctis had three deaths and a friend being blinded for life to work through. 

All in all, the ending and final scenes were worth all the time I have spent with my console. It was a lot of time, I will admit, but with a game of such beauty and emotion I regard it as time well spent.

The battles were really awesome and the gameplay is really something new and fun to me. No longer was the player in control of three or four members of a party, but controlled a main character who is supported by his friends. You did give some commands to your friends, but they pretty much thought for themselves as you attacked and defended as best as you can. A really skilled player can therefore find that he can defeat a level 30 beast while his character is only level 20. 

Then- although the bro feels were strong in this one. This game- as with all its predecessors had its fair share of awesome ladies. OH! And for the first time in a Final Fantasy game I found lesbian characters as well! lol.

So before closing this post I will quickly list my favourite girls as from bottom to top:

#6: Lady Lunafreya

The Oracle and Noctis' bride to be- Luna is very similar to Aerith and Yuna from the other games in the sense that she has the ability to commune with supernatural beings. In this case those beings are the Gods of their world.

She does not take part in battles, though and is not seen much in the game. 

5# Coctura

This cute and cheerful one is the chef at Galdin Quay's restaurant and bar. Although the restaurant has tables Noctis and his friends prefer to sit at the bar with her. I think I can see why.

#4 Cindy

The game had a very strong American theme. Along a road that reminds me a lot of Route 66 you'll find a garage at a place called Hammerhead. This garage has a hot blonde mechanic that gets a lot of motors running without even trying if you know what I am saying... ;)

I almost feel bad for having her here only on #4 as she is such a sweet girl. She does not battle, though and well- I don't think she is into guys, btw...

#3 Aranea

Funny enough. This game's Cid has a funny surname while the surname of Highwind went to this halberd wielding hottie. I fell in love the moment she lept at Noctis. That battle with her was awesome!!!

She does not seem to have a sweet side, though. Tifa was the tough girl in FFVII, but we saw that she was also a really sweet girl with a very soft side. Aranea is the tough warrior girl in this game and she is pure bad-ass!

Looks hot, though...

I imagine that she can keep Eos safe now that... SORRY! 

#1 Shiva

BAM! No matter in which FF game she is this ice goddess makes my temperature rise in her itsy bitsy outfits. This time around, however, she has a far more leading role to play than just being a supernatural ally to summon. Do play the game and find out her story. It is the best ever. I can also mention that she is one of my favourite 2 gods from the Final Fantasy series to appear in this game. The other one is Bahamut!!! These characters looked awesome!

Well- that is it. Once again thank you to Square Enix for the most awesome experience on my PS4. I hope to see more games in the series in future. As soon as the FFVII remake hits the shelves I'll be there to grab my copy!

Until then- it is time for me to move on in real life. :D